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Voice Recognition

Commack School District

Excellence in Education

PLTW/AP Computer Science Principles

PLTW/AP Order of Units

 Unit 1: Algorithms, Graphics, and Graphical User Interfaces 
1.1 Algorithms and Agile Development 
1.2 Algorithms in Python 
1.3 Images and Object-Oriented Libraries 
1.4 GUIs in Python (optional) 

Unit 2: The Internet 
2.1 The Internet and the Web 
2.2 Shopping and Social on the Web 
2.3 Security and Cryptography 

Unit 3: Raining Reigning Data 
3.1 Visualizing Data
3.2 Discovering Knowledge from Data 

Unit 4: Intelligent Behavior 
4.1 Moore’s Law and Modeling
4.2 Intelligent Agents