Voice Recognition

Commack School District

Excellence in Education

Commack Schools News Article

Open House Agenda

  Welcome to Open House!

    Mrs. Carla Powers

     Second Grade


Parent Materials

v Agenda

v Curriculum Handbook is now on the district website, under the Parent Resources heading

v Student Questionnaire


Second Grade Goals

Goals for the Students:

*to learn organization skills

*to increase independence

*to accept responsibility

*to build self-confidence

*to become problem solvers


Goals for Reading:

*to enjoy reading

*to read for information

*to improve decoding skills

*to increase comprehension

*to retell a story in sequence


Goals for Writing:

*to expand sentences to include more information

*to improve mechanics- capitalization, spelling, punctuation, and grammar

*to learn to write a paragraph including a topic sentence, supporting details, and   

  a concluding sentence

*to begin to edit one’s own writing


Goals for Math:

*to begin to memorize basic addition and subtraction facts

*to solve word problems

*to learn to count money

*to learn to tell time before and after the hour

*to learn to regroup when adding or subtracting 2 or 3 digit numbers


Social Studies

v Economics

v Communities

v Geography

v Government



v Hands on Science Lab

v Focus on Scientific Method and the process of an experiment

v Interdependent Relationships in Ecosystems, Structure and Properties of Matter, Energy, Animals



v Personal and Family Health

v Safety and Injury Prevention

v Nutrition and Physical Activity

v Tobacco and Alcohol Prevention



v Computer Lab

v Utilized in the classroom


Character Education

v Each month a new trait is introduced and discussed. 


Second Step

v Program helps teach Empathy, Impulse Control and Anger Management


v Completion of Assignments- class & homework

v Participation and Cooperation

v Math Assessments

v Running Records – Early Literacy Profile

v Cognitive Abilities Test – COGAT in January

v Daily Observation


SpellingFundations Program

v Teaches children to become word solvers by focusing on the structure of words and 6 main syllabication rules.

v Instruction emphasizes phonemic awareness, phonics-word study, high frequency word study, fluency, vocabulary, handwriting and spelling.   



v Use of Take-home folders and agenda books

v Should take around 20 minutes (District Policy), plus read every night!

v Take-home book baggie

v Math

v Spelling Homework Activities


Behavior Management

v “Smiles For Good Behavior”

v Individual tickets, class compliments, Table Tallies, Fun Friday



v Class Newsletters

v School phone number 858-3590

v [email protected]

E-mail Notification - www.commack.k12.ny.us

        Backpack Mail on the Commack web site


School Activities and Policies

v Extra Help by invitation or request– Fridays @ 8:50am.  Children must be escorted into the building and signed in.

v Field Trips – chaperones chosen by lottery

v Birthday Celebrations – snack for 22 people and Mr. Simpson

v Allergy Safety-Students with food allergies must bring their own snack

v Secret Reader

v Early Dismissal - Please sign out in lobby and avoid picking up between 3:00 – 3:45pm  - we exit out the second grade door

v Students must return to school with a note when they are absent



v December Parent/Teacher Conferences



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