Voice Recognition

Commack School District

Excellence in Education

Commack Schools News Article

A locked-in man has been able to communicate in sentences by thought alone

A completely paralyzed man has been able to communicate entire sentences using a device that records his brain activity. The man was able to train his mind to use the device, which was implanted in his brain, to ask for massages, soup, and beer, and to watch films with his son.

It is the first time a completely locked-in person—someone who is conscious and cognitively able but completely paralyzed—has been able to communicate in this way, say the researchers behind the work. The man, who lives in Germany, learned to communicate entire sentences to researchers and his family.

Researchers believe the “potentially life-changing” technology could be routinely offered to similarly locked-in individuals within the next 10 to 15 years. Read the full story.

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