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Tutoring for All Students
Tutoring for All K-5
The K-5 Tutoring for All Program will begin on Monday, September 27th.  The program will provide after school extra support for students via Zoom. Each week, topics will change based on what students are learning in their classrooms in either STEM (Math and/or science) or Humanities (ELA, Reading, Writing, History) based on the schedule.

Each session of the K-5 program will be one hour and the expectation is that students attend the full session.  The tutoring session will be similar to a class lesson where the teacher will review the topic, complete activities and incorporate appropriate questioning for the level.  No new content will be taught in the session, but rather review of core topics in Humanities and STEM.  At the end of each session, there will be time for questions and answers. 

Please visit your child’s Google Classroom to access the Tutoring for All schedule, topics, and Zoom links. 
Tutoring for All 6-12
The 6-12 Tutoring for All Program will begin on Monday, September 27th.  This program is structured to allow students the autonomy to “pop-in” to Zoom sessions for extra support.  Various times and subject areas will be offered and a full schedule with classes and Zoom links can be found in students’ Google Classrooms.