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IB Latin Final on April 30th, May 1st, and May 2nd
IB Latin students will take their final exam on April 30th, May 1st, and May 2nd

Day 1- April 30th- 

Part 1- Scansion- you will scan a series of lines from Vergil. You will NOT be allowed to use your scansion notes on the midterm.


1)    Synizesis- two vowels belonging to different syllables are sometimes pronounced together as 1 syllable

2)    If a word ending in a vowel, um, am, em, or im and the following word is es or est, the first word stays intact and the ā€œeā€ in es or est gets elided. 

Literary Devices- you will define a series of literary devices (multiple choice)

Good literary devices to study for this section:

Irony, Polysyndeton, Paradox, Collocation, Litotes, Transferred Epithet, Alliteration, Assonance, Tone, Enjambment, Juxtaposition, Metaphor, Simile, Symbolism, Personification, Allusion, Onomatopoeia, Foreshadowing, Synecdoche, Tricolon (ascending/descending), Hendiadys, Asyndeton, Hyperbole

Day 2- May 1st-

Vergil/Caesar- You will be answering questions about a passage of Vergil or a passage of Caesar. Questions about the Vergil passage will involve interpretations of the content of the passage, translating and scanning lines, and figures of speech/literary devices (remember that things like repetition, meter, and word order/word placement count as figures of speech). Questions about the Caesar passage will be about the content of the passage, history, and will involve translating lines.

Day 3- May 2nd

Ovid- You will be given a passage of Ovid to translate using a dictionary.