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Voice Recognition

Commack School District

Excellence in Education

Meeting Schedule

2018-2019 General Membership Meeting Schedule

2018-2019 General Membership Meeting Schedule

The National Technical Honor Society (NTHS) Executive Board and general membership meetings as published on the "Due Dates and Events" calendar available in the menu on the left.  Should a member in good standing have a concern s/he wishes to have the Executive Board (Matt Lauri, President, David Abbe, Vice President, Dylan Vale, Treasurer, Katherina Efthymiou, Secretary) discuss an issue, an email must be sent to the advisors (Mr. Gargiulo & Mr. Shea) as well as the President.  Members in good standing are encouraged and welcomed to attend general membership meetings, but are only allowed to attend Executive Board meetings by invitation.

All meeting dates are tentative.  The website is the primary means of announcing meetings.  Whenever possible a Remind 101 message will be sent reminding members of an upcoming meeting.  All meetings are held in "Technology 1" from 2:30 pm to 3:30 pm unless otherwise posted or announced.

If you cannot attend a general membership meeting, you must notify either Mr. Gargiulo or Mr. Shea in writing prior to the meeting.  Attendance at all NTHS meetings and events contribute to the points necessary to maintain 'good standing' in the Honor Society. Members who do not obtain the necessary number of points will be placed on probation and may be dismissed from the Honor Society if attendance and participation do not improve.  Please speak with Mr. Gargiulo or Mr. Shea should you have any questions.

Past General Membership Meeting Agendas

Past General Membership Meeting Agendas

Below are the general membership meeting agendas and annoucments for past meetings.  Please speak with Mr. Shea or Mr. Gargiulo if you have any questions about the contents of these documents.