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Commack School District

Excellence in Education

Staff Directory

CHS Administrative Team

CHS Administrative Team

Mrs. Carrie Lipenholtz
Vice PrincipalMr. Matthew P. Keltos
Assistant PrincipalsMrs. Andrea Allen631-912-2109

Mr. Eric Biagi631-912-2108
Director of Student AffairsMr. Toby Elmore631-912-2257  

Search by Name

for Commack High School

Alphabetic Staff Directory

Email, Website, Office Phone
Abbott, Susan
Office: 631-912-2099 x 42138
Account, CHS Counseling Center
Account, Hsteacher
Adamo, Marie
Office: 631-912-2099 x 55002
Advanced Programs, CHS
Allen, Andrea
Anderson, Edris
Andrews, Linda
Office: 631-912-2099 x 42079
Arceri, Renata
Office: 631-912-2099 x 52009
Athanasiadis, Ekaterini
Aversa, Liza
Ayres, Barton
Office: 631-912-2099 x 42149
Barabino, Patricia
Office: 631-858-3636
Barbagallo, Carol
Office: 631-912-2099 x 52015
Baretsky, Nicole
Beatty, Andrea
Bellisari, Holly
Office: 631-912-2099 x 52019
Biagi, Eric
Bisulca, Joseph
Office: 631-912-2099 x 42122
Boll, Edward
Office: 631-912-2099 x 42144
Bologna, Lorraine
Office: 631-912-2099 x 52027
Bonacorsa, Tina
Office: 631-912-2099 x 52028
Bongo-Liselli, Catherine
Office: 631-912-2099 x 52030
Braun, Sandra
Office: 631-912-2099 x 52032
Breaton, Eileen
Bronzino, Kim
Office: 631-912-2099 x 59006
Bryan, Andrea
Office: 631-912-2099 x 52033
Budd-Richter, Laura
Calobrisi, Angela
Calobrisi, Dominique
Cappiello, Amy
Office: 631-912-2099 x 52039
Cardi, Nicole
Office: 631-912-2099 x 52040
Cardinale, Dr. Matthew
Office: 631-912-2099 x 42288
Carey, Maria
Office: 631-912-2099 x 52042
Carrino, Matthew
Catinella, Alyson
Office: 631-912-2099 x 42128
Cavallaro, Casey
Centore, Stephanie
Office: 631-912-2099 x 52044
Cicione, Phillip
Office: 631-912-2099 x 52047
Cisek, Kimberly
Office: 631-912-2099 x 52048
Clark, Jacqueline
Office: 631-912-2099 x 42123
Cohen, Rachael
Office: 631-912-2099 x 55155
Collette, Jeanette
Office: 631-912-2099 x 42259
Connor, Amy
Contreras, Lindsey
Office: 631-912-2099 x 52004
Contressa, Augustus
Conway, Frances
Office: 631-912-2099 x 52053
Crabtree, Kate
Curcio, Crystal
Daloya, Betty
Dalton, Linda
Office: 631-912-2099 x 42110
DAmelia, Stacey
Office: 631-912-2099 x 52095
DeCicco, Lisa
Office: 631-912-2099 x 42134
Decker, Sara
Office: 631-912-2099 x 42167
Delevante, James
Delgiudice, James
Office: 631-912-2099 x 42126
DeLuca, Kathleen
Office: 631-912-2099 x 52066
Denton, Christopher
Office: 631-912-2099 x 52068
Desmond, James
Office: 631-912-2099 x 42156
Desmond, Mary Ellen
Office: 631-912-2099 x 52069
Diaz, Ashley
DiBiase, Gabrielle
Docherty, Joy
Office: 631-912-2099 x 52072
DOrazi, AnnMarie
Office: 631-912-2099 x 52056
Dounias, Kelly
Office: 631-912-2099 x 52075
Dowdell, Julie
Office: 631-912-2099 x 52077
Education, Continuing
Eisner, Daryle
Office: 631-912-2099 x 52080
Fennessy, Dr. Joanne
Office: 631-912-2099 x 42158
Ferraro, Cheryl
Ferraro, Randi
Ferrer, Diana
Office: 631-912-2099 x 52150
Fitze, Glenn
Office: 631-912-2099 x 52088
Foggia, Robert
Foley, Janet
Foley, John
Office: 631-912-2099 x 52090
Fox, Nicole
Office: 631-912-2099 x 52092
Francesco-Perna, Roselle
Franklin, Alfred
Office: 631-912-2099 x 52093
Frankonis, Wendy
Office: 631-912-2099 x 52094
Friel, Patrick
Office: 631-912-2099 x 42081
Fuchs, Nicole
Office: 631-912-2099 x 55049
Fung, Emily
Gallo, Rosanna
Garcia, Denise
Office: 631-912-2099 x 52097
Gasser, Brian
Office: 631-912-2099 x 52099
Gazzola, Tracey
Office: 631-912-2099 x 52197
Geffner, Evan
George, George
Goldstein, Andrea
Office: 631-912-2099 x 52102
Golubow, Jillian
Groia, Laura
Office: 631-912-2099 x 42131
Guercia, Charles
Office: 631-912-2099 x 42261
Guercio, Michael
Guginsky, Annmarie
Gulino, Susannah
Hajek, Patricia
Hansen, Frank
Office: 631-912-2099 x 42209
Harris, Robby
Office: 631-912-2099 x 42286
Hein, Karen
Office: 631-912-2099 x 42102
Henry, Ryan
Hewlett, Jill
Holmes, Kristin
Office: 631-912-2099 x 52110
Houston, Jean
Office: 631-912-2099 x 52113
Hroncich, Danielle
Hynes, Allison
Office: 631-912-2099 x 52116
Iacopelli, Ann
Office: 631-912-2099 x 42129
Ingald, Jaclyn
Office: 631-912-2099 x 52119
Ingoglia, Joann
Ingram, Carolyn
Office: 631-912-2099 x 52120
Inzalaco, Maria
Israel, Alisa
Office: 631-912-2099 x 52207
Jeziorski, Michael
Office: 631-912-2099 x 52123
Jonas, Katherine
Jonassen, Kim
Judge, Joanna
Kaminicki, Michael
Office: 631-912-2099 x 52125
Kanatselis, Evangeline
Kaplan, Jackie
Kaplan, Leslie
Office: 631-912-2099 x 55069
Keltos, Denise
Keltos, Matthew
Office: 631-912-2099 x 42107
King, Justin
Office: 631-912-2099 x 42168
King, Kimberly
Office: 631-912-2099 x 52251
Kopf, Kenneth
Kosciuk, Dominick
Office: 631-912-2099 x 52132
Koukoulas, Kathy
Kozlowsky, Lucia
Office: 631-912-2099 x 52133
Kramer, Daniel
Office: 631-912-2099 x 52134
Kregler, Nicole
Office: 631-912-2099 x 42120
Krone, Margaret
Office: 631-912-2099 x 42157
Krug, Ryan
Office: 631-912-2099 x 52136
Kunzig, Christopher
Lazcano, Barbara
Leavey, Jessica
Leggio, Heather
Office: 631-912-2099 x 42287
Lentsch, Brenda
Levene, Christine
Libbey, Ann
Office: 631-912-2099 x 52144
Lipenholtz, Carrie
Lipp, Forrest
Office: 631-912-2099 x 52245
Loiacono, Joanne
Longo, Laura
Lund, Stephen
Office: 631-912-2099 x 52147
Luskoff, Marni
Office: 631-912-2099 x 52149
Marinello, Martha
Office: 631-912-2099 x 52156
Martino, Stephanie
Office: 631-912-2099 x 42263
Marusevich, Annmarie
Office: 631-912-2099 x 52160
Marusevich, Michael
Office: 631-912-2099 x 42211
Mascaro, Erin
Office: 631-912-2099 x 52162
Mauro, Keira
Office: 631-912-2099 x 52127
McCalla, Nadanja
Office: 631-912-2099 x 52164
McConnell, Lynn
Mcgrath, Ryan
Office: 631-912-2099 x 52167
McManus, Kristie
Office: 631-912-2099 x 52169
McNally, Danielle
McNeill, Dana
Office: 631-912-2099 x 52170
Mesicki, Milagros
Messina, Samantha
Meyer, Courtney
Office: 631-912-2099 x 42205
Miale, Jon
Office: 631-912-2099 x 42125
Milano, Carolyn
Office: 631-912-2099 x 42155
Miller, Kathleen
Office: 631-912-2099 x 42249
Moore, Gabrielle
Moran, David
Office: 631-912-2099 x 52177
Moschos, Kelly
Office: 631-912-2099 x 52292
Mottola, Andrew
Office: 631-912-2099 x 55097
Moy, Megan
Office: 631-912-2099 x 52179
Mulderig, Genevieve
Office: 631-912-2099 x 52180
Mungioli, Denise
Murphy, Lauren
Murphy, Maureen
Office: 631-912-2099 x 52183
Musto, Francis
Office: 631-912-2099 x 52182
Myers, Peter
Neglia, Allegra
Nelson, Diane
Office: 631-912-2099 x 42206
Neville, Catherine
Office: 631-912-2099 x 51048
OBoyle, Kathleen
OBoyle, Lacee
OConnor, Jennifer
Office: 631-912-2099 x 52188
ODonnell, John
Office: 631-912-2099 x 52189
Palazzo, Courtney
Office: 631-912-2099 x 52194
Palillo, Maura
Office: 631-912-2099 x 52195
Parllaku, Anjola
Patterson, William
Office: 631-912-2099 x 42140
Pennisi, James
Office: 631-912-2099 x 52201
Pepe, Kristen
Perun, Emily
Plechner, Robert
Office: 631-912-2099 x 52204
Polanish, Christina
Office: 631-912-2099 x 52199
Pope, Derek
Office: 631-912-2099 x 52205
Prahalis, John
Prahalis, Sean
Puca, Joseph
Pugh, Joseph
Office: 631-912-2099 x 52208
Radziul, Kimberly
Office: 631-912-2099 x 42184
Raeihle, Robert
Office: 631-912-2099 x 52285
Ramirez, Luz-adriana
Office: 631-912-2099 x 55110
Randazzo, Gina
Rao, Darlene
Office: 631-912-2099 x 52146
Razzano, Allison
Office: 631-912-2099 x 52212
Reggio, Joseph
Regino, Lynne
Rehman, Mehr
Reiter, Alyssa
Reuter, JoAnn
Office: 631-912-2099 x 42139
Revera, Daniel
Office: 631-912-2099 x 52216
Revera, Laura
Office: 631-912-2099 x 52217
Richard, Edward
Rieger, Jessica
Riggs, Clinton
Ritter, Laura
Office: 631-912-2099 x 52218
Rosenthal, John
Office: 631-912-2099 x 55118
Rubin, Adam
Russo, Julie
Office: 631-912-2099 x 42124
Ryan, Dawn
Saadi, Noreen
Sadiker, Jaclyn
Salazar, Sara
Office: 631-912-2099 x 52224
Salerno, Linda
Office: 631-912-2099 x 52225
Salmon, Matthew
Sandoval, Yanet
Sautner, Jeffrey
Office: 631-912-2099 x 42160
Scaduto, William
Office: 631-912-2099 x 52228
Schiavo, Christina
Schulz, Kathleen
Office: 631-912-2099 x 52231
Schwartz, Todd
Sciancalepore, Dr. Roseann
Office: 631-912-2099 x 42183
Scott, Thomas
Seebeck, Kelly
Office: 631-912-2099 x 42162
Semple, Christina
Office: 631-912-2099 x 52235
Sexton, Allison
Office: 631-912-2099 x 52236
Shea, Pauline
Office: 631-912-2099 x 42285
Shea, Thomas
Office: 631-912-2099 x 52239
Shillingsford, Valerie
Office: 631-912-2099 x 42114
Shoemaker, Marilyn
Office: 631-912-2099 x 42132
Simone, Roseanne
Slackman, Paul
Office: 631-912-2099 x 55166
Sleavensky, Paul
Office: 631-858-3636
Solomon, Lorraine
Spoering, Ruby
Stone, David
Office: 631-912-2099 x 52252
StPierre, Linda
Office: 631-912-2099 x 55130
Stuckey, Mark
Office: 631-912-2099 x 42070
Suchopar, Richard
Office: 631-912-2099 x 52253
Sullivan, Samantha
Suttie, Jeanne
Office: 631-912-2099 x 55136
Sweeney, Susanne
Tadmor, Heather
Office: 631-912-2099 x 42119
Taveras, Shirley
Office: 631-912-2099 x 42133
Teacher, HS Substitute
Teller, Deborah
Office: 631-912-2099 x 52115
Tine, Peter
Office: 631-912-2099 x 52257
Tortorella, Brianna
Tremaroli, Patricia
Office: 631-912-2099 x 52258
Tripptree, Melanie
Office: 631-912-2099 x 52259
Tunick, Lee
Office: 631-912-2099 x 52260
Valdes, Jesus
Office: 631-912-2099 x 52262
Valdes, Jill
Office: 631-912-2099 x 52263
VanAcker, Sharon
Office: 631-912-2099 x 52264
Vanschaick, Lynn
Office: 631-912-2099 x 52265
Varughese, Bobby
Office: 631-912-2099 x 52266
Vasiluth, Lisa
Verfenstein, Joseph
Office: 631-912-2099 x 52268
Viscarra, Cyntia
Vogt, Sarah Beth
Office: 631-912-2099 x 52269
Walkowiak, Kristin
Office: 631-912-2099 x 52270
Walsh, Andrew
Waxberg, Fern
Office: 631-912-2099 x 42105
Winter-Masters, Carrie
Wohlgemuth, Kristy
Office: 631-912-2099 x 52276
Wright, Christine
Office: 631-912-2099 x 42221
Wynne, Scott
Office: 631-912-2099 x 52278
Yodice, Justin
York, Laurie
Zabransky, Mary
Zaidinski, Joseph
Office: 631-912-2099 x 52280
Ziegler, Christina
Office: 631-912-2099 x 52281
Zitarosa, Carmelina
Office: 631-912-2099 x 52283