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Voice Recognition

Commack School District

Excellence in Education


Confidentiality of Computerized Information

The safeguarding of confidential data from inappropriate use is essential to the success of the District's operation. Access to confidential computerized data shall be limited only to authorized personnel of the School District.

It shall be a violation of the District's policy to release confidential computerized data to any unauthorized person or agency. Any employee who releases or otherwise makes improper use of such computerized data shall be subject to disciplinary action.

However, if the computerized information sought is available under the Freedom of Information Law and can be retrieved by means of existing computer programs, the District is required to disclose such information.

Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974, 20 USC Section 1232(g)
34 CFR Part 99
Public Officers Law Section 84 et seq.
Adopted:  5/9/19

Student Data Privacy

NYSED is committed to promoting sound information practices and policies that will ensure the security and privacy of student data, improve academic achievement, empower parents with information, and advance efficient and effective school operations.