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Voice Recognition

Commack School District

Excellence in Education

Safety Tips & Stranger Incidents

Safety Tips & Stranger Incidents

There are times when students report seeing unfamiliar vehicles or persons in their neighborhoods. The child may feel uneasy although the driver of the vehicle did not approach or speak to the child.

As always, the safety of our students and staff comes first at all times. Should a child feel uncomfortable in any situation (in his/her neighborhood, at the bus stop, on their way to and from school), please report it to school personnel and to the police immediately. Please reinforce basic safety precautions frequently with your child(ren).

Here are some suggestions:
  1. Remain alert and be aware of your surroundings;
  2. Always know where your children are going and who they are with;
  3. When walking to and from school or in the community, especially at night, children should walk with a friend or adult whenever possible;
  4. All individuals should wear white or light colored clothing at night to increase visibility;
  5. If your child has a cell phone, make sure it’s charged before he/she leaves the house, and know where your child will be at all times;
  6. Remind your children to call 911 in case of any emergency or if an unsafe situation occurs;
  7. When children are at home alone, doors should be locked at all times;
  8. Talk to your children and offer them advice and guidance on how to handle confrontations particularly with strangers. For example, run from/do not speak to strangers, and other safety-related topics; and
  9. Remind your children not to accept candy, money, gifts, or rides from any adult without a parent’s permission.

The District’s main concern is the safety of our students and in conjunction with our security personnel and other staff, we will continue to do everything in our power to assure student and staff safety at all times.